Complaints Policy

1.0 Introduction

Parker Philips  Insolvency (“the Company”) always strive to provide a high standard of service. However, if you are unhappy for any reason, we would welcome your feedback and the opportunity to put things right.

This policy explains how we will deal with any complaints we receive and outlines what you can do if your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction.

1.1 If you have a complaint

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service you can contact us by telephone or in writing to:

Trafalgar House, 110 Manchester Road, Altrincham, WA14 1NU

Or by email to: [email protected]

Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 698 0094

Complaints can be received by a customer, creditor or a third party representative.

To help us understand your concerns and investigate them as quickly as possible, you should provide your contact details, full details of your complaint, details of individuals that you have dealt with, how you believe that we can make it right and copies of any relevant paperwork.

1.2 What will happen with my complaint?

Upon receipt, your complaint will be passed to a manager who will aim to resolve your concerns within three working days.

If we are still investigating your complaint after 4 weeks, we will explain to you the reasons why and indicate when you can expect a full and final response.

We should have finalised our investigation and issued our final response within a maximum of 8 weeks. When we have completed our investigation, we will send you a final response letter. The letter will detail the investigation and our findings. It will also confirm our conclusions and whether the complaint has been upheld, partially upheld or not upheld and explain any action being taken or that has been taken to correct the problem that led you to complain.

What we need from you:

  • Your full name
  • Your address and contact telephone number
  • Full details of your complaint
  • Your reference number with Parker Philips Insolvency
  • Other details of what you would like us to investigate
  • Any further evidence that you feel is relevant

If we are unable to resolve the complaint within three working days, we will refer your complaint to our Complaints department who will acknowledge your complaint and provide details of the person who will be dealing with your complaint.

Additional information may be requested to assist in our investigations. Once our investigations have been completed, usually within 4 weeks, we will send you a letter to detail the investigation and findings. If we are unable to send a final response to your complaint within 4 weeks, we will write to you to explain why additional time is needed to investigate your complaint. A final response will be issued to you within 8 weeks of the initial complaint.

The final response letter will confirm the outcome of the complaint and outline any action that has or will take place to put things right.

1.3 What if I am not happy with the outcome?

Our Insolvency Practitioner, Kevin Duffy, is authorised by the Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA). The IPA’s aim is to promote and maintain a high standard throughout the insolvency industry. The IPA’s registered office is:

46 New Broad St, London EC2M 1JH

The IPA will investigate the conduct of the Insolvency Practitioner and cannot provide you with any financial redress or make decisions particular to your case. To complain about your Insolvency Practitioner, you can refer your complaint to the Insolvency Service Gateway at any time, or if you remain dissatisfied with our final response by:

·        Completing the online complaints form available at

·        Calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (from 9am to 5pm Monday – Friday)

·        Emailing the Insolvency Service on [email protected]

·        Completing the online complaints form and posting it to: IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.

·        More information can be found at

The IPA is the regulatory body for all the Insolvency Practitioners at Parker Philips Insolvency. The IPA promote and maintain high standards throughout the insolvency industry and undertake regular monitoring visits to each member to ensure that all Insolvency Practitioners act in line with the insolvency rules, relevant legislation, the code of ethics and best practice guidelines.