Parker Philips Insolvency Limited, Registered address Trafalgar House, 110 Manchester Road, Altrincham, WA14 1NU. Company Registered in England and Wales Number 12410887. ICO number ZA636590 | Kevin Duffy is authorised to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Insolvency Practitioners Association in the UK | Registered No. 28850 | To qualify for an IVA with Parker Philips Insolvency Ltd, you must have a minimum of £6000 of unsecured debt owed to two or more creditors. A debt write-off amount of between 25% and 85% is realistic, however the debt write-off amount for each customer differs depending upon their individual financial circumstances and is subject to the approval of their creditors. | To find out more about managing your money and getting free advice, visit MoneyHelper, this is an independent service set up to help people manage their money | All calls are recorded for training and quality purposes.